
Steve “The Canadian Sasquatch” was born and raised in Kamloops, BC, Canada. Growing up, he spent a lot of time outdoors. Hiking, camping, backpacking, biking, fishing, plain old enjoying the “Super Natural” British Columbia outdoors.

Eventually, finding his way down to Houston, Texas, USA, he started to find natural places to enjoy. Vastly different from what he was used to in BC, but still a lot of fun and very interesting.

In 2017 he, along with his Beautiful Bride, took the Texas Master Naturalist course, and in in 2018 became certified members of the Gulf Coast Chapter.

Learning more about natural Texas, relit the fire that Steve enjoyed as a kid growing up. With that, was more trips to various wildlife areas, learning more and more about the plants and animals causing him to want to take photographs and video of them all.

And thus, The Canadian Sasquatch Outdoor Photoplay was born.


Outdoor: Outside of a building.
Photoplay: A motion picture.

Squatch Version: Playing outdoors, taking pictures and video of nature.